A few words

About Us

Our story starts

The BIPOC-to-BIPOC Initiative was formed during the pandemic when we noticed that many mid-size to large organizations led by white individuals were receiving funding for initiatives that grassroots and BIPOC Executive Directors (EDs) were already leading in their own communities. In response, our BIPOC EDs engaged in several sincere and candid conversations with various grant-making entities, which ultimately led to the funding of a research project aimed at identifying specific needs and determining our next course of action.

As a result of these efforts, a coalition of 15 BIPOC organizations has emerged, and we are now eager to share our research findings with various grant-making organizations. This BIPOC group was brought together through a deliberate process, and during this collaboration, several members committed themselves to initiating a movement that advocates for a new model of capacity-building for BIPOC organizations. Our goal is to foster a more inclusive economy within Forsyth County.

This cohort of 15 organizations has been assembled to lay the groundwork for a strategic approach in which BIPOC organizations support and empower other BIPOC organizations. Together, we are preparing to take the next steps in philanthropic engagement with the aim of addressing and closing the funding disparities that currently exist.


BIPOC Leaders are healthier and wealthier and will function to funnel resources to our most vulnerable communities.

Vision Statement

As BIPOC leaders we are able to acquire: 
  • Higher funding investments from public and privates sources over 1 million dollars
  • Leadership opportunities to led the work around equity and supporting vulnerable populations that are representative of our identities
  • Educational positions to teach and analyze the creation of equitable systems 
  • Partnership priorities with private and public sectors to serve BIPOC communities in health and wellbeing


We aim to create systems in which all have access to resources, respect, and opportunity.

Mission Statement

As BIPOC Leaders, we are able to: 

  • Network and honoring of bodies
  • Collaborate over initiatives to move the Social Determinants of Health needle
  • Share resources and wealth
  • Examine white supremacist structures and where we operate within them
  • Celebrate BIPOC identities, history, and ways of being
  • Adapt a trauma-informed model within personal and professional life 
  • Closing funding disparities through donor education 
  • Developing fundraising strategies
  • Practice systemic changes within our own operations and program implementation
  • Practice what you preach (Explicitly state and define the values, and as you hold other organizations and funders to the law, you are following it yourself, e.g. making sure you get community input, but as an organization, you make decisions about the community without them, just bc we are black, or women, or share the marginalized identity.)
  • Not just racial equity but the intersectionalities of gender, power, and other identities
  • Pursuit of equity in practice and focus. 
  • Personal and professional equity process of identifying unhelpful systems and creating more inclusive, equitable, and where everyone can thrive. 
  • Everything that we do is filtered through a cultural, lived experience, and reality lens that fits, e.g. the “ADD” let the child run around for 30 seconds and clap for him with community support, let the child do a break dance and rap, or song–to nurture our kids and support them and to change the paradigm that the only way that we can teach you is if you sit down for 35 minutes. 
  • Creative expression, you might not want to correct the language, “ain’t” leave it.


Executive Team & Support Staff

Joy Williams

Project Lead

Hope To Thrive

Founder, Executive Director

Tonya Haizlip

Project Co-Lead

Journee Bees Village

Founder, Director  of Operations

Magalie Yacinthe

Executive Team

HUSTLE Winston-Salem

Executive Director

Sophia Russell

Executive Team

Necessary Crumbs, Inc.

Executive Director

Research Team

Alvin Atkinson

Research Associate

Michael Banner

Research Associate

Island CultureZ

Chief Catalyst

Rev. Willard Bass

Research Associate

Chuck Byrd

Research Associate

Frankie Gist

Research Associate

Cheryl Harry

Research Associate

Triad Cultural Arts

Founder, Executive Director

Dr. S.D. Patterson

Research Associate

Neighborhoods Hands

Founder, Executive Director

Jonnetta Richardson

Research Associate

Footsteps, Inc.

Founder, Executive Director

Ciat Shabazz

Research Associate

David Villada

Research Associate

Beating Up Bad Habits

Founder, Director of Operations